You can call us Schlatt or Nathaniel. We're Schlatt IRL, a Furry, Evian & Ficto MAP, and a certified traumaphile. Plural. Our internal server is full of consang, and we're an aego + plural paraphiliac. An aromantic aplatonic queer object. We're a Hermaphrodite/Androgynos, and don't call us nonbinary! Extrabinary is fine. We're Xmnigender.

10.06.2023: Started work on new index page..
10.08.2023: Added navi page..
10.09.2023: Added fic rec page.


Some of our opinions, so you don't follow if we're not aligned!
# Not anti-proship. Wouldn't call ourselves proship either, but we're more aligned toward Proship. Profic.
# Not a transmed, also pro transx identities.
# Likes JSchlatt.
# Endogenic friendly.
# Radical Inclusionist.
# Is a Fagdyke.
# Paraphilia friendly, yes including [whatever paraphilia you decide is too bad].
# We don't believe in "problematic media" being a thing. You can like what you like, as long as you don't hurt people or hold hurtful beliefs.
# Believes in informed self diagnosis, including for being Intersex.
# Is Factkin.
# Likes Omegaverse.
# Reclaims Many Slurs.
# Men's Lib
# Xenosatanist


> ⎼ DMs » Ask.
> ⎼ Friend Requests » Ask.
> ⎼ Pings » Yes.
> ⎼ Touch » Ask.
> ⎼ Teasing » Add a tone tag.
> ⎼ Tone Tags » Use them!
> ⎼ Source Talk » Usually okay.
> ⎼ Sourcemates » Usually okay, but don't try and find your CANONmates in our system.
> ⎼ Doubles » YES.
> ⎼ Age » Fine with any age interaction, as long as you're aware we're 21.